The Farm Store is closed forever. You can still get Ground Beef at Huckin's Farm and grassfed beef from Potter Farm in Gilmanton Iron Works by the half.

An Instructive Step Back In Time With Oxen

Back in the day, oxen and horses were the tractors for farmers. Teams were used to plow the fields, pull mowers to cut hay and pull cultivators to clear weeds from the gardens. After farm work, they became the engines to pull wagons to haul produce to market or take the family to church. Horses and oxen were the "horsepower" of choice.

Animal's Body Language Speaks Volumes

Did you know that a staggering 98 percent of animal communication is through body language? Surprisingly, the figure for human nonverbal communication is 90 percent. So maybe the next time you meet an animal, don't talk so much.

Bottle Feeding Fun

Bottle-feeding nine calves at Miles Smith Farm. Cow Coach Carole's Words Wisdom: We're not what we know but what we're willing to learn.