We have a bottle-fed Scottish Highland bull calf for sale. He's ready to go home with you.

About Our Farm

Healthy for the environment! Healthy for you!

I farm so that you have access to delicious, locally-raised beef and pork.

You’ll always have delicious, healthy beef.

Meet Julie

She visited a conventional farm one time in a moment of weakness.

She was traumatized by the smell. 

Julie told me she was devastated to see the cattle living in crowded and dirty conditions, so she instantly swore off conventional meat forever. 

Then she came to our farm. 

“I’ll only buy meat from you now. I love how you treat your animals.”

I feel just like Julie, which is why I’m a farmer. 

You, too, can have healthy, mouthwatering beef from us, your neighbors.

“Your meat means my kids are eating food that’s good for them, which means a lot to me.” Sarah

I farm so that you have access to delicious, locally-raised beef and pork to provide healthy alternatives for our customers. When you buy in bulk, you eliminate the fear of price increases at the grocery store. Prices are locked in and your freezer is always full. No worries about what’s for dinner. You’ll always have delicious, healthy beef.