The Farm Store is closed forever. You can still get Ground Beef at Huckin's Farm and grassfed beef from Potter Farm in Gilmanton Iron Works by the half.

Meet the Farmers
Bruce and Carole

You don’t want to serve your kids hormones and antibiotics.

Instead of grocery store meat (who knows what’s in it?), give your family our healthy, delicious beef.

We treat our cattle with respect and compassion.

Besides, you can’t beat the flavor of locally-raised beef.

Meet Julie, she visited a conventional farm one time in a moment of weakness. 

She was traumatized by the smell. 

Julie told me she was devastated to see the cattle living in crowded and dirty conditions, so she instantly swore off conventional meat forever. 

Then she came to our farm. 

“I’ll only buy meat from you now. I love how you treat your animals.”

Be like Julie.