We have a bottle-fed Scottish Highland bull calf for sale. He's ready to go home with you.

The Many Benefits of Local Beef

Buy local meat and know you're eating healthy, delicious beef and helping the environment with every bite. Are these super-processed foods like the "impossible burger" good for you or the environment? Maybe not.

Training Dogs is Now My Super Power.

In the spring, I fostered an extremely reactive 9-year-old pitbull, Cody, who wanted to kill my calves and regularly chomped on my other dog, Flora. He was so dangerous I made an appointment to euthanize him. I didn't follow through, and today, he is calm and balanced and has learned to ignore my cattle and Flora. The other day, under my supervision, he licked the face of a friendly calf. Cody is learning new behaviors daily, proving you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.