Don't miss the spectacular Fall folliage at the farm. We are open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop by during Store Hours.

Cheer up! You don't need meat from away

It's hard to imagine running out of food in three days, but I suppose it could happen. While the current crisis probably won't keep trucks off the road, what if field workers stay home or meat-cutting plants close? Would the trucks have anything to deliver? Happily, in New Hampshire, we can provide some locally raised meat that is not dependent on cross-country trucking.

Tender butts and tough shoulders

I was a vegetarian for five years, mostly because I didn’t want to support massive feed-lot operations which corral 150,000 cattle or more and can process 3,000 a day. I didn’t have any plan to save the planet from beef. But I did – and still do – want to save cattle from CAFO (Confined Animal Feed Operation) systems. Then, we bought two Scottish Highlander cows to keep our fields clear of brush, which is when my cow addiction started.

What's Good About a Freezer Full of Beef?

Do you ever wonder if you should buy a quarter, half, or even a whole beef? Besides the upfront cost, it seems like a lot of meat to store. Those are good questions but maybe you should ask, how can I afford not to stock up. Perhaps buying meat you know is better for you. Here are 7 reasons to help you decide.

When the Chickens Were in Charge

We started with ten laying hens and a rooster. At night the flock would roost in the small chicken house, and during the day, they'd wander around the barnyard. Most of the chickens would deposit their eggs in the layer boxes in the chicken house, which made the eggs easy to find. Life was good until the "great chicken immigration."

Winter Camping?

This is not your grandfather's campsite – the tent sits on a wooden platform that includes a deck, two Adirondack chairs and queen-size bed with foam mattress as well as electricity and, in summer, running water.

Sign Language: Another Kind of Eloquence

At first, I thought the 35-year-old woman standing 15 feet from me was a Secret Service agent. I was in a crowd of about 100 people waiting to hear former Vice President Joe Biden give a campaign speech. The woman, dressed in a blue jacket and black pants, looked out over the small crowd with confidence, just as I expected a Secret Service agent would. There were Secret Service agents in the Biden audience, but the woman in question was not one of them; she was a sign-language interpreter.