Order your holiday roast by Dec 14. Please Join me for Christmas on the Farm on Dec 21 from 11 am to 2 pm.

The Cow Spa is Open

Clipping cows means warm weather is near. Cow clipping is an annual ritual at Miles Smith Farm. Scottish Highlander cattle grow thick, rich coats of hair to protect them from frigid winter weather. Unlike a parka, the cattle can't remove their wooly coats when the weather warms up.

Farm Videos

If you crave entertainment, you are invited to join me on regular tours of my farm. I'll conduct a video tour of farm operations and might even show you, Bruce, fixing farm machinery (while he tries to avoid me). I'll take you around the farm. Join me when I feed the cows or visit with the calves. It'll be fun! Watch for my videos on Facebook and here on our website.

Sometimes a Bovine Wants His Bro-vines

Like people, cattle have friends; peers we can butt heads with, and no one is hurt. I'm not suggesting that humans like to smash our heads together, but you've seen teenage boys horsing around—same thing. Head-butting is one way that cattle interact.