Order your holiday roast by Dec 14. Please Join me for Christmas on the Farm on Dec 21 from 11 am to 2 pm.

Never Fed Drugs or Antibiotics

Our natural production practices eliminate the need for sub-therapeutic (daily fed low dose) medications that are commonly used in confinement production systems. However, in certain cases, to prevent the animals from death or suffering, we do allow for spot treatment of medication. We feel that this exception is consistent with the ethical treatment of our livestock.

Grain Finished Strip Steak

Grassfed Strip Steaks - Packages vary from .45 to .55 pounds

$26.99 /lb.
Avg. 8 oz.

Grassfed Strip Steaks

Grassfed Strip Steaks - Packages vary from .45 to .55 pounds

$26.99 /lb.
Avg. 8 oz.

Scottish Highland Strip Steaks

Packages vary from .45 to .55 pounds

$30.99 /lb.
Avg. 8 oz.