We have FRESH Scottish Highland beef today, Saturday, Aug 31. Stop by during Store Hours: Sat from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

What's Good About a Freezer Full of Beef?

written by

Carole Soule

posted on

March 6, 2020

Do you ever wonder if you should buy a quarter, half, or even a whole beef? Besides the upfront cost, it seems like a lot of meat to store. Those are good questions but maybe you should ask, how can I afford not to stock up. With the current health crisis, perhaps buying meat you know is better for you. 

Here are 7 reasons to help you decide

1. Taste: You can't beat the flavor of locally-raised grass-fed beef. This is partly because farm-grass fed beef doesn't waste time in transit. It's also because the cattle are handled humanely. Calm cows are tasty cows.

2. Price: Buying a half or quarter will save you money. It might be hard to believe, but you will. The average price per pound of Miles Smith Farm's grass-fed beef (when buying meat in bulk) is $9/pound. Compare this to Whole Foods at $9.86/pound. You will need a freezer to store a quarter of our beef, but a new 9-cubic-foot freezer has a one-time cost of about $400-$450, and its yearly energy cost will be about $38. And you can use the freezer for other things, too – like ice cream!

3. Convenience: You'll never have to worry what's for dinner because your freezer will be full of grass-fed beef.

4. Humanity: Do you care about how the animals are treated? Then locally-raised grass-fed beef is for you. It's meat you can connect to and, if you know your farmer, you can ask how your beef was raised and processed.

5. For the Health of It: Parents don't want to be serving their kids the growth hormones and antibiotics that come with commercial meat. Dietary experts recommend unrefined, minimally processed foods – like grass-fed beef. Studies have shown that if you pick lean grass-fed beef, you're giving your body monounsaturated fat (the same healthy fat found in olive oil), and it decreases your risk of heart disease by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol.

6. Creativity: Are you in a cooking rut, making the same go-to dinners over and over? This is almost impossible when you have a freezer full of beef. Why? Because you now have new cuts to cook. You'll be amazed at all the new dishes you can make, and we can help with suggestions and recipes.

7. Support Your Farmer: Selling in bulk not only helps you, it helps the farmer. 

Why not buy meat you trust from a farmer you know?

Bulk Buying at Miles Smith Farm


beef half

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