Don't miss the spectacular Fall folliage at the farm. We are open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop by during Store Hours.

Farm Videos

written by

Carole Soule

posted on

March 25, 2021

Flora, our farm puppy, is learning her new job while the yearlings check her out.

March 26, 2021 - Here's how we feed hay.

March 24, 2021 - Eleanor, the donkey, relaxing with her friends.

January 10, 2021 - Watch 7 hours of work on the Learning Barn in just 15 minutes. Gosh those guys work fast!

January 10, 2021 - The Foundation Learning Barn is being constructed and it seems the ducks are in charge!

\November 20, 2020 - Here on Miles Smith Farm, there is a pumpkin-smashing season. Let me explain. My cattle love to eat unwanted pumpkins, whether they are unsold surplus or whole pumpkins or jack-o-lanterns donated by friends of the farm. But cattle have no upper front teeth, so they don't have the chomping power needed to open a whole pumpkin. So those pumpkins must be smashed!

October 14, 2020 - Feeding the "bulls" at Ty Miller's pasture in Canterbury, NH.

Oct 6, 2020 - Curious Bleu and Olivia take a stroll around the barnyard. Then Bleu gets some well-earned scratches.

Sept 11, 2020 - Find joy in watching this day-old calf stretch her new legs. Want to hug a calf? Sign up herehttps://www.learningnetworksfo...

July 9, 2020 - Curious Bleu and Duncan Coles go for a ride.

June 27, 2020 - Winnie and her calf move to a new pasture with Ferdinand, the bull.

June 17, 2020 - Moving cattle to a new pasture.

June 7, 2020 - Visit with the cows and their calves as they graze in a new paddock on the farm.

June 6, 2020 - Visit with some of our herd at a remote pasture in Gilmanton - a field with a view!

June 2, 2020 - Today a calf was born on the farm. We captured the whole thing on this video. A warning for the squeamish - this is a graphic video.

May 31, 2020 - See what happens when Carole sits down in the pasture with the cows.

May 25, 2020 - Spa Day at the Audubon pasture on Silk Farm Rd in Concord. We lease the pasture from St. Paul's School and today we set up the clippers to cut the winter coats off the steers and bulls in the pasture.

May 22, 2020 - What's a farmer to do when a newborn calf won't nurse? Here's what we did. I'm happy to report that this bull calf, name Tanto, is a happy calf and now nurses on his own, without human assistance.

May 20, 2020 - Today Abby, the sheep, lost her winter wool.

May 18, 2020 - See the steers being clipped. Visit with the cattle. Watch for Galen ... the camera hog!

May 17, 2020 - The boys at the Audubon pasture on Silk Farm Road.

May 17, 2020 - See how the calves are doing. Watch what happens when Carole lies down in the pasture with them!

May 12, 2020 - Take a walk with the calves and see how Lila, the calf born on Mother's Day, is doing.

May 10, 2020 - A Mother's Day baby is born.

May 9, 2020 - Today's farm tour includes snow. Do you have snow?

May 8, 2020 - Hang out with the calves as they kick up their heels.

May 7, 2020 - What are those rascal, calves Lucy and Murray up to today? Watch and find out.

May 6, 2020 - What are the calves up to today?

May 5, 2020 - Another day on the farm

May 4, 2020 - Checking for calves

May 3, 2020 - Check out the "crop of babies."

April 30, 2020 - Homeschooling for the calves today. Check to see if we any newborn calves.

April 29, 2020 - Get acquainted with our new calves and check with us for newborns. We have 10 calves and are expecting 3 more.

April 28, 2020 - Today we have two new calves; one born late yesterday and another born this morning. Meet them and their moms.

April 27, 2020 - Watch the calves play tag with each other. Meet the chickens.

April 26, 2020 - Another calf arrived today. Who is the mom? Watch and find out.

April 25, 2020 - Watch the cattle attack a bale of hay at dinner time.

April 24, 2020 - A calf was born this morning. Watch the video to learn who the mom is and if it's a boy or girl.

April 23, 2020 - A calf was born yesterday - in the frigid weather. A bull calf named Hersey. He's with his mom, Black Diamond, in the holding pen. Stop by to visit him during store hours (Wed 1-6pm, Thur-Sat 10-5pm)

April 22, 2020 - It's cold out there! We even have snow!

April 21, 2020 - Watch 5-day-old Moonlight dash around the pasture and walk with Carole as she checks for more newborns.

April 20, 2020 - Visit with the calves and look for newborns.

April 19, 2020 - Get acquainted with the new calves and watch as we load the steers and bull for a trip to the Audubon Pasture at St. Paul School.

April 18, 2020 - No newborn calves today but check out these two cuties that were born this week.

April 17, 2020 - Late in the day, Olivia snuggles with the calf while Star licks the baby.

April 17, 2020 - We didn't have to search far today to find the 3rd calf of the Spring. Star gave birth in the early morning hours to a heifer (girl) calf

April 16, 2020 - A calf is born! Kelsie had a white, heifer (girl) calf at about 3 pm this afternoon!

April 16, 2020 - Checking for calves. When will the next calf be born? Will it be today?

April 16, 2020 - Lenard J. Goose is missing.

April 15, 2020 - Meet Blain, the bull, on his second day home; watch Lucy the calf nurse; meet Roo, the white rooster and his new rival, the rooster Big John.

April 14, 2020 - Blain, the white Highlander bull, returns to the farm after spending 3 months at another farm. He was there to breed three lovely Scottish Highlander cows.

April 14, 2020 - On today's five-minute tour of the farm you'll meet January's calves, Lucy and Murray, visit with Emma Rae, the first Spring calf, find out if we have any new calves and meet the "bulls."

April 13, 2020 - On today's farm tour we'll feed the mini-pigs and cows carrots, check-in on Alice's 3-day old calf and, of course, check for new calves. Walk with Olivia and Carole on the rainy Spring day at Miles Smith Farm.

April 12, 2020 - Happy Easter! Today we'll start with a visit to the ducklings and chicks. Then you'll meet the delinquent January babies and Emma Rae, our first Spring calf born on Friday, April 10th. Then off to check the cows for more new calves.

Meanwhile, Chester steals carrots. The sign DID say they were free.

April 10, 2020 - The first Spring calf was born. Alice gave birth to a black heifer at 3 pm on Friday. We brought cow and calf to the holding pen to observe them and help keep the calf warm.

April 10, 2020 - Still checking for calves:

April 9, 2020 - Checking for calves:

April 8, 2020 - Meet the donkey, goats, lamb, and Belle-the-Heifer. Find out if there are any new calves!

April 7, 2020 - Meet the ducklings and chicks. Then travel to the pasture to search for calves.

April 6, 2020 - Meet the pregnant cows and feed the young cattle.

April 5, 2020 - Meet Snap-the-Horse and his sidekick Lenny-the-Goose. Visit our tent site. Take a tour of the store and finally get cow kisses on today's farm visit.

April 3, 2020 - How do you feed 1,000 pound bales with a small tractor? Watch this 5-minute video of Bruce unloading and feeding our hungry cows.

April 3, 2020 - A soggy view of the farm on a rainy day.

April 2, 2020 - today you meet the pigs, Charlotte and Sparkle. Anyone for a sow ride?

April 1, 2020 - on today's walk meet Lenny-the-Guard goose and feed the pregnant cows bananas.

March 31, 2020 - on today's walk, you can feed the cows pears and meet the pregnant cows. Who do YOU think will give birth first? Alice? Missy? Chole? Barbie? Francine? Sarah? Kylie?

March 30, 2020 - Look at what happens when a gate falls down...the cows escape!

March 29, 2020 - Warning! Only watch this video if you don't mind being licked by a cow!

Meet pregnant Star and some of the younger cattle.

Take a break from insanity. Walk with me while I hug a Scottish Highlander steer.

Meet the farm animals. Here is a 3-minute tour of some of our livestock.

One job that has to be done, washing the stock trailer. See how we do it.

Farm Tour

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