Grassfed Pot Roasts (Chuck, Shoulder, Clod, or Rump )

Grassfed Pot Roasts (Chuck, Shoulder, Clod, or Rump )

Roasts perfect for the pot
$13.49 /lb.
Avg. 2 lb.

Delicious roasts for the slow cooker or Instant Pot. I like to cook my pot roast in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot to make it tender. If you use a slow cooker be sure to submerge it in liquid so that it does not dry out. Here is my favorite recipe:


3 lb pot roast (chuck, shoulder, clod roast)

1-2 cups of water

pinch of salt, pepper and garlic



3 carrots

1 rutabaga

2 parsnips

2 sweet potatoes

  1. Pour in water, add the roast, add the quartered onion or whole garlic cloves, and seal the lid.
  2. Bring the cooker up to full pressure. Reduce heat to low, maintaining full pressure, and cook for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  3. Use the quick-release method to lower the pressure.
  4. Mix in vegetables, seal the lid again and return the pressure cooker to heat.
  5. Bring the cooker up to full pressure and cook for an additional 5 minutes.
  6. Use the quick-release method again and transfer the roast and vegetables to a serving dish.